Contattaci per le tue candele

Siamo qui per aiutarti con ogni tua richiesta.

A soft, vintage-style arrangement featuring two candles in delicate glass holders with intricate flower designs on top. The candles sit on a beige surface, accompanied by scattered pink rose petals. To the side, there is a piece of paper with partly visible text, a lace doily, and a decorative gift box with floral patterns and a pink ribbon.
A soft, vintage-style arrangement featuring two candles in delicate glass holders with intricate flower designs on top. The candles sit on a beige surface, accompanied by scattered pink rose petals. To the side, there is a piece of paper with partly visible text, a lace doily, and a decorative gift box with floral patterns and a pink ribbon.


Siamo un negozio online di candele per ogni occasione, pronte a rendere speciali i tuoi momenti con un tocco femminile.


Lun-Ven 9-18